Friday, March 7, 2014

Paleo Fried Chicken (Almond Meal/Flour)

Believe it or not, this was my first time making fried chicken. It's probably because I'm into healthier cooking. Frying just wasn't my thing. But I have become a fan of Paleo Fried Chicken after consuming the deliciousness of my creation.

All the recipes pretty much look the same. You can use butter or oil to fry the chicken.

Paleo Fried Chicken (Note: I cook for two adults. You can alter accordingly)
Prep Time: 15 min     Cook time: 15 min
3/4 cup almond meal/flour
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
a dash of cayenne (optional)

1 egg

2 chicken thighs
6 tbsp unsalted butter

Whisk an egg in a bowl.

On a big plate, add almond flour and all the spices. 

Mix well.

Dip the chicken thigh, one at a time, in the bowl with the egg. Make sure it isn't dripping anymore. Then place the chicken thigh on the plate with the almond flour mixture. Bread both sides of the chicken thigh evenly. Do the same thing to the other one.

I put it in the refrigerator to set better.

In a big pan, melt the butter on medium heat. Carefully place the chicken thighs as flat as possible into the pan. Let it cook until the breading is crispy. For me, this took about 8 minutes. Flip them to crisp the other side. Finish cooking for about 7 minutes.

I paired my fried chicken with asparagus. Think I'll be making fried chicken more often...


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