Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mini Apricot Pie (Filling)

Mini Pies!  Filling is easy to make.  I usually buy premade crust.  So all you have to do is fill them and bake.  You can use any fruit actually.  Add the desired amount of sugar and cornstarch.  Read from bakers about the correct amount but it ends up being to your liking.  Some like them sweeter, some don't.  Some like more liquid (or thicker liquid), others want more fruit.

Filling for Apricot Pie
Prep Time: 10 min      Bake Time: 30 min
Serving Size: 6 mini pies
1 lb apricot (fresh apricots sliced)
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
a dash of salt (little less than 1/8 tsp)

Mix the apricot, sugar, cornstarch, and a dash of salt.  Fill your mini pies evenly.

Bake at 375F for 30 minutes.

*Note: Apricot pie is a bit tart.  If you want, you could add more than 1/4 cup of sugar.
*Note: I did much reading to see how to make a pie less messy, not too watery.  Read debates about using cornstarch vs flour vs minute tapioca.  Finally decided to use cornstarch (I don't like cornstarch but flour makes the final product grainy white).
